Research Student Supervision

Postdoctoral Research Fellows (7)

Dr Sharad Ghodke

Advanced Materials in Structural Response Modification under Dynamic Excitations

Dr Pankaj Munjal

Computational Simulations of Structures for Numerical Assessment

Dr Kamal Krishna Bera

Aerodynamic Response of Structures and Mitigation Technologies

Dr Anvesh Reddy

Blast Response of Sandwich Composite Panels

Dr Akanksha Srivastava

Wave Propagation Study at High-Strain Rate of Loading

Dr Jagajyoti Panda

Machine Learning-Based Semi-Active Control of Structures

Dr Anupam Das

Multi-Hazard Dynamic Response Control of Structures

Dr-In Sourav Chandra

Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminated Composites

Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows (1)

Sourav Chandra

Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminated Composites

Visiting Research Fellow (1)

Bhargav Shobhana *

Novel Passive Electromagnetic Dampers for Vibration Control of Structures
* Teacher's Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) Fellow

Ph. D. Research Scholars (31)

Dr Manmohan Dass Goel *

Blast Response of Structures and its Mitigation using Advanced Lightweight Materials

Supervisor(s):Dr Anil Kumar Gupta; Director, AMPRI-CSIR

Dr Sandip Kumar Saha

Seismic Fragility of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Supervisor(s): Prof. A. K. Jain

Dr Purva Mujumdar

Automation of Structural Design Iteration for Indian Construction Industry

Supervisor(s): Prof. J. U. Maheswari

Dr Said Elias Rahimi

Effective Placement and Tuning of Multiple Tuned Mass Damper for Mitigation of Building Vibrations

Dr Aruna Gupta-Rawat

Base Shear and Sloshing Response Control in Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Supervisor(s): Prof. A. K. Nagpal

Dr Arundhuti Banerjee

Analysis of Offshore Geothermal Pile for Wind Turbines

Supervisor(s): Prof. T. Chakraborty

Dr Ankit Bhardwaj

Short- and Long-Term Behaviour of Epoxy-Bonded Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges

Supervisor(s): Prof. A. K. Nagpal and Prof. S. Chaudhary

Dr Pravin S. Jagtap

Earthquake Base Isolation of Secondary Systems using Elastomeric and Sliding Systems

Dr Rajkumar Karmegam

Seismic Isolation of Torsionally Coupled Machine Foundation Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

Supervisor(s): Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Dr Tathagata Roy ***

Analysis Method for Multi-Hazard Protection of Structures from Earthquake, Wind, Blast, and Fire

Dr Manisha V. Waghmare

Semi-Active Control Strategies for Seismic Vibration Control of Elevated RCC Water Reservoirs

Supervisor(s): Prof. S. Madhekar

Dr Ali Alraie

Construction Technology for Integral Bridges with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressing Tendons

Dr Daniel H. Zelleke

Multi-Hazard Stochastic Response Control of Structures using Smart Base Isolation Systems

Dr Akshay Baheti ♠♠ and ***

Life-Cycle Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Earthquake and Fire

Co-Guide: Prof. David Lange

Dr Kusum Saini * and ***

Reliability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Structure in Extreme Loading Conditions

Dr Anu Bala

Blast, Impact, and Fire Resistance of Bamcrete Panel

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta, and Co-Guide: Prof. A. Dash

Harshada Sharma

Analysis of Underground Structures Subjected to Blast Loading and Blast-Induced Vibrations

Co-Guide: Prof. S.P. Singh

Naseef Ummer

Bi-Directional Sliding Roller System for Earthquake Base Isolation of Structures

Anil Kumar

Uncertainties in Blast Resistant Design of Steel Structures

Yash Chordiya

Blast and Impact Energy Absorption Maximization in Web-Core Sandwich Panels with Foam Materials

Co-Guide: Prof. M.D. Goel

Sarranya Banerjee ♠,♠♠♠,*** and ♠♠♠

Hybrid Controllers in Base and Mass Excited Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. D.R. Sahoo

Ebisa Tilahun Daba

Agriculture Waste Fibers as Reinforcement Material for Sustainable Concrete Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. V.K.R. Kodur

Anish Banerjee ♠♠

Studying the Impact of Technological Change on the Resilience of Buildings with Dr Juan Hidalgo Medina, and Dr Matthew Mason

Co-Guide: Prof. David Lange

Rudroneel Manna

Structures under Successive Impact and Blast Loads from Improvised Devices

Co-Guide: Prof. D.K. Dubey

Debjyoti Roy-Chowdhury

Blast-Resistant Design of Structures for Aviation Industry with Prof. S.B. Singh and Prof. S.K. Barai

Co-Guide: Prof. D.R. Sahoo

Utkarsh Puri

Blast-Resistant Design of Structures using Advanced Materials

Co-Guide: Prof. A. Banerjee

S. Lalit Sagar

Design of Steel Structures under Multi-Hazard Conditions

Guide: Prof. D.R. Sahoo

Kathir Vadivel Marimuthu

Development and Fabrication of Functionally-Graded Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites for High Strain Rate and Elevated Temperature Aeronautical Applications with Prof. D.R. Sahoo and Prof. S.K. Barai

Guide: Prof. S.B. Singh

Abhinav Dewangan♠♠

Resilience of Underground Infrastructure: Use of Digital Engineering with Dr Jurij Karlovsek, Dr Cristyn Meath, and Prof. David Lange

Guide: Prof. D.R. Sahoo

Himanshu Rana

Fatigue Failure Risk Estimation in Giant/ Largescale Offshore Floating Wind-Turbine Tower Structures under Stochastic Strong Wind Variable Loads

Guide: Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic

Isteeda Ikbal♠♠

Fundamental Performance Characteristics of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Concretes at Early Age

Guide: Prof. Shashank Bishnoi

Prime-Minister Research Fellowship, India
* DAAD Fellow (DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst), Germany
** DUO-India Student, UK
*** Suzuki Fellowship, Japan
♠♠ UQIDAR Scholar, Australia
♠♠♠ Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship, USA

M. S. (Research) Students (2)

Pratik Bhatt

Fire Behavior of Concrete Composite Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. A.K. Nagpal

Rohit Tiwari

Blast Response and Mitigation in Curved Structures for Underground Applications

Guide: Prof. T. Chakraborty

M.Tech. Students (122); * Indicates DAAD Sandwich Model Scholar; *** Indicates Student Award

Sandip Kumar Saha

Seismic Base Isolation of Secondary Systems

R. Balamurugan

Wind Response of Base-Isolated Buildings

Pravin S. Jagtap

3D FE Analysis of Granular Material Silos under Earthquake

Cibi Jacob M. *

Stochastic Response of Isolated Structures under Earthquake Excitation

Mukesh Kumar

Response of Semi-Buried Bunker Structures Subjected to Non-Contact Blast Loading

Sreenivasulu Patibandala

3D FE Analysis of FRP Beams Exposed to Fire

G. Ravi

Flexural Response of Beams with Prestressed CFRP Tendons and Laminates

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Swedi Kiso

Flexural Strength Enhancement in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Prestressed CFRP Laminates

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Theruovituo Pienyu

Shear Strengthening of Beams with CFRP Wraps

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Pranai Kaparthi

Strengthening of Columns using CFRP Wraps

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Vijai Kumar Kanaujia

Effect of Superstructure Flexibility on Foundation Behavior under Earthquake Loads

Guide: Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Rajkumar K. *

Base Isolation in Machine Foundation Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

Rohit Gogna

Base-Isolated Structure with Tuned Mass Damper

Dillip Kumar Patra

Blast Response of Liquid-Filled Industrial Tank on Rubber Isolators

M. Sathishkumar

Optimization of Ball Isolation System in Buildings

Naveet Kaur

Effectiveness of Friction Dampers for Earthquake Response Reduction in High-Rise Buildings

Guide: Prof. A. K. Nagpal

Md. Adeel Ahmed

Sequential Analysis of Tall RC Buildings in 2D, 3D and Their Interrelations

Guide: Prof. A. K. Nagpal

Naru Gopal Gorai

Dynamic Analysis of Framed Foundations for High Speed Rotary Machines with Soil-Structure Interaction

Co-Guide: Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Santosh Kumar A. V.

Cost Analysis of Offshore Windmill Projects in India

Sushant Waghmare

Estimating Iterative Design Duration using DSM

Co-Guide: Prof. J. U. Maheswari

Major Alok Dua * and ***

Structural Behavior of Transmission Lines under Gust Loading

S. D. Sukanya *

Wind Response of Base-Isolated Structures with Ball Isolation Systems

Naseef Ummer

Optimum Parameters of Seismically Base-Isolated Structures with Bi-Linear Systems using ANN

Co-Guide: Prof. Ashok Gupta

Ankit Bhardwaj

Effectiveness of Friction Dampers using Energy Balance Concept

Co-Guide: Prof. A. K. Nagpal

Shashi Prakash Jaiswal

Modeling and Seismic Analysis of Base-Isolated Structures in Finite Element Software

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Smita Mishra

Passive Control of Multi-Storey Building using Knee Bracing System under Seismic Excitation

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Vishal Prasad

Analytical Simulation of CFRP used in Prestressed Concrete Bridge Beams

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Mohammad Nadeem *

Dynamic Analysis of Framed Machine Foundations with Imperfect Columns

Chakshu Gautam

Hydro-Dynamic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks using Finite Element Modeling

Alok Pradhan#

Floor Response Spectra Considering Soil-Structure Interaction for Design of Secondary Structures

Abdul Matin

Application of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers in Bridges

Major Rajeev Lohani

Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Composite Stiffened Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading

Co-Guide: Prof. S. Pradyumna

Sailesh Chowdhury

Dynamic Analysis Offshore Spar Platforms

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Vivek Prasad

Performance-Based Seismic Design of Base-Isolated Structures

Guide: Prof. D. R. Sahoo.

Mushtaque Ahmed

Fiber Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures

Anoop K. *

Uncertainty Modelling of Base Excited Nonlinear Systems using Generalized Polynomial Chaos

Sameer Khan *

Fragility of Steel Framed Buildings under Blast

Shailesh Sharma#

Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Fire Loading

Niharika Talyan

Earthquake Analysis of Bridges with Passive Control Devices in SAP2000

Kunal Bhatt

Blast Protective Structure and Shock Vibration Control

Co-Guide: Prof. S Kapuria

Biniam T. Terefe

Application of Tuned Mass Dampers in Tall Buildings

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Daniel H. Zelleke

Design of Base-Isolated Building with Dampers

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Pranesh Roy

Seismic Evaluation of Chamera Dam for Scenario Earthquake

Guide: Prof. A. K. Nagpal

Pritam Singh

Bridge Bearings and Stability

Bhavya Mittal

Speedy Constructions of High-Rise Buildings by Optimizing Formwork Design using Genetic Algorithm

Co-Guide: Prof. K. N. Jha

Abdul Ghaffar

Optimum Shoring/Reshoring in High-Rise Building Construction

Co-Guide: Prof. K. N. Jha

Sruthi Jalasutram

Mechanical Characterization of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Guide: Prof. D. R. Sahoo

Atik Zekeria

Progressive Flexural Failure of Prestressed Concrete Beam

Co-Guide: Prof. B Bhattacharjee

Deepika Gill *

Multi-Mode Control of Tall Building using Distributed Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers

Abhilash Achuthan * and ***

Variable Friction Damper with Restoring Mechanism for Impulsive Dynamic Excitations

Bhanu Pratap Rathod

High Strain Rate Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Co-Guides: Prof. T. Chakraborty and M D Goel

Pankaj Kumar Singh

Investigation on Uncertainties in Machine Foundation Design

Rani Moorthy

Dynamic Dam-Reservoir Interaction Analysis with Varied Reservoir Properties

Vijay Kumar Jha

Optimization of Turbo-Generator (TG) Foundation Design using Evolutionary Algorithm

Rajat Kumar Baid

Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Bridge Beams with Prestressed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates

Nikhil Garg *

Progressive Failure Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Tendons

Anil Gautam *

Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Windmill Towers under Along-Wind Dynamic Excitations

Shashwat Gaur *

Dynamic Analysis of Tuned Mass Dampers Controlled Wind Turbine Towers with Soil-Structure Interaction

Syed Ahmed Usama *

Accelerated Bridge Deck Construction using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Ahmed Idris Taha

Response of Plan-Wise Irregular Buildings with Torsional Tuned Mass Dampers under Bidirectional Seismic Components

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Mohammad Hamayoun

Hybrid Control using Distributed Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers and Base Isolation of Buildings under Earthquake

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jai

Bharat Chalise

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Laminated and Lead-Core Bearings for Secondary Systems

Akshay Baheti

Response of Dynamically Similar Adjacent Buildings Connected using Magneto-Rheological Dampers

Major Anoop Mishra

Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Panels

Co-Guide: Prof. Santosh Kapuriria

Lt. Col. Kaushik Mitra

Wire Rope Vibration Isolator for Blast Induced Ground Motion Control of Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. Santosh Kapuria

Namita Thakur

Energy Absorbing Device for Underground Structures under Earthquake and Blast Induced Ground Motions

Co-Guide: Prof. T. Chakraborty

Prathamesh Khorgade *

Damping-Induced Instability in Flexible High-Tension CFRP Stay-Cables under Non-Linear Parametric Vibrations in Long-Span Bridges

Shubham Garg *

Stochastic Finite Element Based Vibration Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Laminates

Shubham Soni *

Experimental and Numerical Studies on Concrete Filled CFRP Structures under Static and Dynamic Loading

Lt. Col. Vijay Singh

Cost Analysis for Performance-Based Earthquake and Blast Designs of Base-Isolated Buildings

Lt. Col. Vivek Singh Atri

Blast Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Structure using CFRP Materials

Animesh Ghosh

Prescriptive and FE-Based Analysis and Design of Steel Lattice Tower under Wind and Earthquake Excitations

Debanjan Chattopadhyay

Non-Linear Seismic Response of Tall Bridge Pier with Pile-Soil-Structure Interaction

Co-Guide: Prof. G. S. Benipal

Mohammad Tamim

Sloped-Bottom Tuned Liquid Damper for Earthquake Response Reduction in Buildings

A. Nagarajan

Earthquake Performance Improvements in Buildings with Soft-Storey using Passive Dampers

Sameer Mittal

Jerk Response of Base-Isolated Buildings under Multi-Hazard Scenarios

Somya Motwani

Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction in Cable-Stayed Bridge

Ranjjit Chaudhary *

Pre-Damaged Composite Portal Frames under Fire

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Piyush Santhalia

Dynamic Analysis of Integral Bridge with CFRP Prestressing Tendons

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Mithlesh Kumar Rai

Blast Response Control of Structures in Petrochemical Facilitiess

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Ankit Mittal

Scenario-Based Seismic and Blast Analyses of Underground Structures

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Nishant Sharma

Multi-Hazard Effects on Viscous Fluid Damping Wall in Tall Precast Buildings

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Rachit Gupta

Seismic Analysis of Elevated Water Tank

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Juturu Ajay Reddy *

Optimum Spatially Distributed Frequency Tuned Mass Dampers with Multi-Mode Dynamic Response Control

Bushra Rehman

Integral Abutment Bridge with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Precast-Prestressed Concrete Elements

Mohammad Farhan Khan

Vulnerability Assessment of CFRP Prestressed Concrete Bridges under Multiple Loading Conditions

Divyarth Dikshit

Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction in Slender Bridges

Prabhakar Roy

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Secondary Tank Structures on Primary Buildings

Lt. Col. Laxmish Suvarna

Bamcrete Wall under Blast Loads

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Major Daulat Sampatrao Borka

Bamcrete Panel under Bullet Impact

Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Vivek Bharti

Base Isolation of Intze Type Water Tank

Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Rohen Singh *

Optimized Design of FRP Composite Structure under High Wind Speeds in CFD Environment

Gaurav Swami*

Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Concrete Panel with Basalt FRP at Elevated Temperatures

Rajnish Kumar **

Machine-Learning Programmed Variable Damper for Dynamic Response Mitigation in VBI System

Anuj Gautam

Seismic and Progressive Collapse Analysis of Buildings with Large Basement

Rahul Kalra

Double Layer Base Isolation System for Control Room with Sensitive Equipment

Ankit Khurana

Torsional Coupling in Buildings on Imperfect Piles with Uneven Soil Profile

Varun Datta

Blast-Resistant Design of Fibre-Glass Composite Structure

Supriya Bharti

Seismic and Blast-Resistant Design of Underground Metro Stationst

Ashutosh Maurya *

Collapse Behaviour Assessment of Buildings under Strong Windstorm Employing Data Analytics

Prabin Dhakal

Analytical Study on Dynamic Response Control of Beams using Tuned Mass Dampers

Ram Chapagain

Vulnerability Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification for Response of Tunnel Lining under Fire

Setegn Abebe Kore

Distributed Multiple Semi-Active Tuned Mass Dampers in Base-Isolated Buildings under Earthquake and Wind Excitations

Mohammed Atif Abedin

Seismic Design of Elastomeric Bearings in Bridges with Thermal and Live Load Dynamics

Vidushi Toshniwal *

Analysis of Offshore Monopiles in Clay under Cyclic Loading

Guide: Prof. T. Chakraborty

Asif Ali Khan

Natural Fibers for Confinement of Concrete Members

Shubham Gajanan Banore

Time and Cost Saving in Steel Structure Construction using Drones

Manish Kumar Sah *

Quantifying Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainties in Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Problems

Supriya Banerjee

Design of Integral Bridges and Strut-Tie Modeling

Co-Guide: Prof. Mike Schlaich

Brijesh Savaliya

Vulnerability Analyses of Concrete Structures under Multiple Hazards from Fire and Blast

Shefali Chaudhary

Blast-Resistance Performance of Seismically Designed and Detailed Structures

Bikash Sharma

Machine Learning Assisted Structural Design Assessment and Approval Framework

Co-Guide: Prof. S. Chakraborty

Gaurav Balasaheb Jagtap

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biocomposites

Avinash Dubey*

Dynamic Response Control of Bridges using Semi-Active Dampers with Offline Machine Learning

Kaustav Misra*

Noise Barrier Design using Helmholtz Resonator for Highway Bridges

Kunal Dahiya

Service-Life Operational Performance of Base-Isolated Hospital Building under Multiple Hazards

Saurabh Borkar

Earthquake Response Control of Glass Façade

Co-Guide: Prof. Shashank Gupta

Himanshu Goswami

Role of Redundancy and Robustness in Failure of Bridges

Akanksha Ahluwalia

Multi-Hazard Resilience of Bridge Infrastructure under Extreme Loading

Manisha Kushwaha

Earthquake-Resistant Masonry Structures for Residential Buildings in Rural Terai Area of Nepal

* DAAD Fellow (DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)
** Erasmus+ Fellow
*** Best Thesis Award
# BARC Research Fellow

B.Tech. Students (62); * Indicates Student Award

Ravi Jain

Improved Numerical Dissipation Technique HHT Method of Time Integration

Prashant Kumar

Fire Design of Steel Buildings and Code Provisions

Himanshu Gupta

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design

Co-Guide: Prof. S. K. Deb

Vivek Varun

Stability of Large-Span Geodesic Domes Designed for Static and Dynamic Loads

Gagandeep Singh

Beams with Prestressed CFRP Tendons and Laminates

Co-Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

Akash Mangal

Strengthening of Columns using CFRP Wraps

Co-Guide: Prof. S. Gupta

D. Hari Hara Rohit

Base-Isolation of Secondary Building Components under Earthquake Ground Motion

Naveen Chaudhary

Non-Linear Blast Analysis of Masonry Structures

Chinmay Jain

Earthquake Analysis of the Bridge using Base Isolation System

Aman Gupta

Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Mitigation in Tall Buildings


Optimization of Isolator Characteristics by using Artificial Neural Networks

Guide: Prof. Ashok Gupta

Sai Krishna Kalluri

Finite Element Analysis of an Offshore Windmill with Monopile Foundation

Guide: Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Apoorva Singh

Fire Behavior of CFRP Prestressed Concrete Members in Industrial Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. S Bishnoi

Santosh Kumar

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Partially Prestressed Bridge Design

Co-Guide: Prof. S Bishnoi

Neha Daima

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Partially Prestressed Bridge Design

Co-Guide: Prof. S Bishnoi

V. Arun Reddy

Seismic Response of Adjacent Buildings Connected by Kelvin-Voigt and Maxwell Model Visco-Elastic Dampers

Badal Soni

Response of CFRP Strengthened Structures to Blast and Response Mitigation

Co-Guide: Prof. J. T. Shahu

Anshul Jaiswal

Multi-Hazard Assessment of High-Rise Buildings

Co-Guide: Prof. J. T. Shahu

Snehil Basoya

Blast Analysis of Underground Tunnels

Guide: Prof. T. Chakraborty

Nishant Bhardwaj

Finite Element Analysis of Multiple-Pile Supported Offshore Windmills

Guide: Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Saakshi Mahajan *

Analysis of Construction Loads on Slabs with Shored Formwork in Multi-Storey RC Building Construction

Guide: Prof. K. N. Jha

Kushagra Sinha

Analytical Solution for Vibration Control System using Oblate Spheroid

Ankush Jindal

Experimental Studies on Liquid Storage Tanks with Seismic Control System

Aatish Pandit

Seismic Analysis of Bridges in OpenSEES

Piyush Goyal

Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures against Fire

Anshul Udhani

Design of Railway Platform Steel Shelter

Swapnil Chaurasia

Finite Element Analysis of Monopole Offshore Windmills Supported on a Pile Group

Guide: Prof. R. Ayothiraman

Abhishek Saraswat

Stress Wave Propagation Through Rock in SHPB Tests

Guide: Prof. T. Chakraborty

Sonakshi Goel

Shoring-Reshoring in Concrete Multi-Storey Buildings

Guide: Prof. K. N. Jha

Ajay Saini

Earthquake Analysis of Benchmark Prestressed Concrete Bridge

Arman Singh Patel

Cost Optimization of Formwork Design for High-Rise Buildings

Guide: Prof. K. N. Jha

Nitesh Sahu

Earthquake Response Control of Building using Hybrid Damper

Rahul Jain

Analysis and Design of Transmission Towers


Arpit Jain

Earthquake Response of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Abhishek Verma

Improving Effectiveness of Seismic Isolation in Liquid Storage Tanks

Jatin Kumar Bansal

Earthquake Response Control in Bridges using Hysteretic Dampers

Swapnil Khare

Seismic Performance of Buildings Installed with Hysteretic Dampers

Prateek Sachan

Seismic Fragility of Building Frames with Passive Devices

Malay Krishna Srivastav

Assessment of Blast Pressure Load and Response of Structures

Deepanshu Yadav

Response of Steel Building to Blast Induced Ground Motion

Praveen Kumar Ray

Fragility Assessment of Equipment under Earthquake Excitation

Nupur Jain

Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks with Sloshing Response Control

Himani Gupta

Shake-Table Tests on Liquid Storage Tanks with Sloshing Response Control

Anvita Singh Sikarwar

Temperature Studies on Tempcore Thermo-Mechanically Treated (TMT) Reinforcement Bars

Sarthak Jain

FE Simulation using Temperature Dependent Constitutive Law for Tempcore TMT Rebars

Sameer Mittal

Numerical Analysis of a Structure Subjected t

Mohammed Akhtar

Experimental Investigation on Structure Subjected to Jerk

Pooja Kudesia

Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Response of Building Frame with Passive Tendons

Co-Guides: Prof. T. Chakraborty and Prof. D.R. Sahoo

Nikhil Tayal

Seismic Base-Shears in Columns of Plan-Wise Asymmetric Buildings

Anshul Malhotra

Seismic Response of Friction Damper Connected Adjacent Buildings

Gourav Chandra Saini

Design Approaches for Reinforced Concrete Pile Caps

Shubham Sharma *

Failure of Steel Columns Subjected to Fire

Akshit Chandra

Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Building Exposed to Blast

Diwakar V. Singh

Failure Probabilities of Steel Frame Buildings under Multi-Hazard Scenarios

Dharam Singh Meena

FE Simulation of Shock Wave Interaction with Foam Materials in Structures

Co-Guide: Prof. A. K. Jain

Pratik Bhaskar *

Reinforced Concrete Building Design for Multi-Hazard Scenarios in Earthquake- and Wind-Prone Areas

Sanchit Bedi

Seismic Base Isolation of Structures using Euler Buckling Spring

Aviruddh Banvariya

Dynamics of Spatially Distributed Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers on Beam

Harsh Agarwal

Displacement and Energy-Based Ductility Criteria in RC Flexural Members with FRP Materials

Chinmay Garud

Prediction of Seismic Response of Conventional and Base Isolated Buildings using Data Analytics Tools

Guide: Prof. S.K. Deb, IIT Guwahati

Ankur Agrawal

Dynamic Response of Building on Fire-Damaged FRP Bearings to Aftershocks

Supervisor(s): Prof. S.K. Deb, IIT Guwahati

Prem Khandelawal

DMulti-Hazard Fragility Analysis of Base-Isolated Building on Natural Materials Rubber Bearings

* Institute Best Thesis Award

Summer Undergraduate Research Award (SURA) (6); * Indicates Student Award

Vaibhav Gupta and Nitin Pathania

Feasibility Study of Offshore Wind Farms along the Indian Coastline for Renewable Source of Alternate Energy

Kumar Animesh and Aadi Kumar Jain *

Investigating Seismic Performance of Ellipsoidal Balls for Base Isolation

Arpit Jain and Abhishek Verma

Rubber Pad and Sliding Surface in Tanks for Failure Prevention - An Experimental Study

Himani Gupta and Antara Choudhary *

Using Bamboo and Bricks in Reinforced Concrete Beams for Sustainability and Economy

Prashant Kumar and Rohit Kumar Agrawal

Basalt Fiber Reinforced Prestressed Concrete Beams

Riya Agarwal and Shubham Chaudhary

Behavior of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Prestressed Concrete Beams

* IIT Delhi Alumni Association Award

Mini Projects (21)

Naveen Chaudhary

Aerodynamics of Structures in High Wind Velocity Region

Chinmay Jain

Earthquake Analysis of Bridge with Base Isolation System

Anshul Agarwal

Shake Table Tests on Building Model with Sliding System

Aman Gupta

Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Investigations in Buildings

Ayush Dhar

Seismic 3D Frame Analysis of Steel Bridge made using OPENSEES

Jatin Kumar Bansal

Fire Behaviour of Concrete Cylinders with CFRP Fabric

Swapnil Khar

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Fabric Confinement to Concrete Cylindrical Specimens

Aditya Kumar

Aerodynamics of Shell Structure under High Wind Velocities

Akash Rathi

Tuned Mass Damper for Vibration Mitigation in Windmill

Divakar Garg

Analysis and Design of Floodlight Steel Tower

Rahul Pillania

Hydrodynamics in Tanks with Screen under Base Excitation

Navneet Kumar

Hydrodynamics of Base Isolated Tank under Uni-Directional Base Excitation

Pooja Kudesia

Dynamic Response of Building Frames with Passive Tendon

Prashant Kumar

Ductility Evaluation for Basalt Fiber Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete Beams

Diwakar V. Singh

Failure Probabilities of Moment Resisting Braced and Unbraced Steel Frames under Wind and Fire

Riya Agarwal

Behaviour of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams

Shubham Chaudhary

Behaviour of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams

A. Abhishek Arunachalam

Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Containment Structure

Foreign National Exchange Student from France

Etienne Borghi

Analysis and Design of Pre-Tensioned RC Beam with Experimental Validation

Albin Vanacker

Analysis and Design of Post-Tensioned RC Beam with Experimental Validation

Thomas Limousinr

Finite Element Based Analysis of Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams with Experimental Validation

Minor Project / Independent Study Projects (16)

Cibi Jacob M.

Study of Seismic Base-Isolated Structures Considering Soil Structure Interaction

Piyush Garg

Cold Region Structural Engineering

Sushant Maheshwari

Design of Steel Structures for Fire

Pratik Bhatt

Fire Simulation of Concrete Structures using Finite Element Method

Tanmay Gupta

Dynamic Nonlinear Analysis of Offshore Jacket Platforms using SACS

Mehvesh Mushtaq

Structural Design of Airport Pavements

Amit Agarwa

Optimization of Structural Members of Reinforced Concrete Building

Shrivathsan S. S.

Studying Kinematics of String-Mass-Pulley System in a Building

Deepanshu Shirole

Structural Dynamics and Pressure-Impulse Response of Structures under Impulsive Loads

Garima Gupta

Numerical Simulations for Seismic Analyses of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Nivya Basheer

Implementation of User Subroutine for Modelling Nonlinear Soil Behaviour

Puneet Bhaskar

Dynamic Nonlinear Analysis of Offshore Jacket Platforms

Tanmay Gupta

Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Tower Modelled as a 2-D Structure

Nikhil Garg

Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers

Abhinav Bindal

Fragility Analysis of Base-Isolated Bridges

Manish Kumar Sah

Surrogate Modelling for Predicting Collapse Behaviour of Building under Tri-Directional Earthquake Excitation

Summer Research Faculty Fellows (9)

Talakokula Visalakshi

Finite Element Modelling of Base-Isolated Building

IIMT College of Engineering, Greater NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh

Digesh Dilipkumar Joshi

Effects of Sequential and Simultaneous Analyses in High-Rise Buildings

Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Gujarat

Muthusamy Thanmanaselv

Seismic Finite Element Analysis Steel Building with Material and Geometric Non-Linearities

University College of Engineering Nagercoil, Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

Satish Sahebrao Manal

Multi-Support Excitation Simulation for Piping as Secondary Systems

Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad

Aravindhan C

Seismic Analysis of Fixed-Base and Base-Isolated Secondary Structures

Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, Ind

Anju Agarwal

Seismic Analysis of Fixed-Base and Base-Isolated Secondary Structures

Indraprastha Engineering College, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, UP

D. Raj Kumar *

Seismic Analysis of Secondary Structure

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

Debaraj Bailung Sonowal

3D FE Seismic Analysis of Secondary Structures

Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur, Assam

Amirthavarshini Muraleetharan

Thermal Analysis of Portal Frame using Finite Element Method

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu

* Joint Academies Summer Fellowship Program

Summer Postgraduate Research Fellows (8)

Kuppumanikandan A.

Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Modelling by Lumped Mass and Continuum Approaches

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela

Anupama Ramnavmiwale

Dynamic Analysis of Water Tank with Interaction between Fluid and Structure

College of Engineering (CoEP) Pune

Zarna Barda

Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Frames

College of Engineering (CoEP) Puneu

Perumalla V. Mallikarjun Rao

Response of Fixed-Base and Base-Isolated Buildings under Real Earthquakes

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Hamirpur

Sharang Totekar

Blast Simulation and Progressive Collapse Assessment of Steel Frame Structure

College of Engineering (CoEP) Pune

Sanat Marathe

Seismic Analysis of Bridge Curved in Plan

College of Engineering (CoEP) Pune

Stuti Mondal

Seismic Base-Isolated Structures

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, Maharashtra.

Rushikesh Prakash Jadhav

Seismic Response Mitigation in Piping System using ADAS Device

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, Maharashtra.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (9)

Punam Yadav

Seismic Response of Base-Isolated Structures using SAP 2000s

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur

Sagar Goel

Analysis and Design of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Structures

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal

Mayank Batra

Coupled Analysis of Primary and Secondary Structures using MATLAB Simulink

PEC University of Technology, Chandigar

Smaranika Nath

Stress Wave Propagation in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela

Pallavi Goswami

Seismic Response Analysis of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad

Priyanka Kolakani *

An Assessment of UFC and Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian Procedures for Blast Loaded Concrete Structures

Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur

Padma Saran S *

Seismic Response of Buildings with Passive Dampers

College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University.

Adrita Kundu

Earthquake Fragility Analysis of Secondary Systems/ Structures

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi

Yashraj Sanjay Gindodia

Structural Dynamics

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumba

* Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS) Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP)

One-Semester Postgraduate Students (2)

Stuti Mondal

Experimental and Numerical Characterisation of Seismic Base Isolators and Base-Isolated Structures

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Hyderabad Campus

Niranjan Muley

Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design of Steel Frames

Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad

One-Semester Undergraduate Students (6)

Durga Prasad Tripathi

Experimental and Simulation Studies on Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks

Lingaya's University.

Zoha Jafar

Numerical Analysis of Base-Isolated Secondary Systems

Lingaya's University

Esha Bansal

Earthquake Response of Structures with Added Dampers

Giani Zail Singh College of Engineering & Technology, Bathinda

Priyanka Hazra Banerjee

Design of Liquid Storage Tanks

Karnataka State Open University

Yashwardhan P. Naik Nimbalkar

Blast-Resistant Performance of a Functionally-Graded FRP Strengthened Concrete Tunnel

Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani

Foreign National Student from Afghanistan

Fatemeh Zaher

Frequency Transfer Function for a Structure with Tuned Mass Damper

Herat University, Afghanistan

Student Awards

    Best Thesis
  1. Innovative student project award of Doctoral level awarded by the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) to Dr Manmohan Dass Goel for his Ph.D. thesis titled "Blast Response of Structures and its Mitigation using Advanced Lightweight Materials".
  2. Best M.Tech. Thesis award awarded by the Indian Society for Wind Engineering (ISWE) to Major Alok Dua for his M.Tech. Thesis titled "Structural Behaviour of Transmission Lines under Gust Loading".
  3. Best M.Tech. Thesis, Shri A.N. Dutta Memorial Award in the area of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics to Abhilash Achuthan for his M.Tech. Thesis titled "Variable Friction Damper with Restoring Mechanism for Impulsive Dynamic Excitations".
  4. B.Tech. Project (BTP), "Reinforced Concrete Building Design for Multi-Hazard Scenarios in Earthquake- and Wind-Prone Areas" is awarded BOSS Award for best thesis.
  5. B.Tech. Project (BTP), "Failure of Steel Columns Subjected to Fire" is awarded Mr and Mrs Prem Sheel Bhatnagar Memorial Award for best thesis.
  6. B.Tech. Project (BTP), "Analysis of Construction Loads on Slabs with Shored Formwork in Multi-Storey RC Building Construction" is awarded Mr and Mrs Prem Sheel Bhatnagar Memorial Award for best thesis.

    Student Research Grants
  7. Fast-Track-Projects under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Graduate Fellowship Scheme (DGFS) is awarded to Mr Alok Pradhan with research grant of Rs 4,00,000 (Indian Rupees Four Lakh Only) on the research project titled "Floor Response Spectra Considering Soil-Structure Interaction for Design of Secondary Structures" by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
  8. Fast-Track-Projects under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Graduate Fellowship Scheme (DGFS) is awarded to Mr Siddharth Jain with research grant of Rs 3,18,072 (Indian Rupees Three Lakh Eighteen Thousand Seventy-Two Only) on the research project titled "Seismic Response Control of Benchmark Tall Building using Magneto-Rheological Damper under Different Earthquake Excitation" by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
  9. A project, "Investigating Seismic Performance of Ellipsoidal Balls for Base Isolation" received an award a Project Development Grant of Rs 50,000 (Indian Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) for technology development and transfer by the Alumni Association of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi (IITDAA).
  10. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST) has approved funding for a project, "Novel Passive Electromagnetic Dampers for Vibration Control of Structures" under the Teacher’s Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) Scheme with total research grant of Rs 16,80,000 (Indian Rupees Sixteen Lakh Eighty Thousand Only) jointly between Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT), Changa, Gujarat and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi.
  11. Industrial Research and Development (IRD) Student Startup Action Grant is awarded to Ms Kusum Saini for "Agro-Residue-Reinforced Biocomposites Mobile Production for Structures" with a total grant of Rs 2,00,000 (Indian Rupees Two Lakh Only) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi.

    Best Papers
  12. Mukesh Kumar and Manmohan Dass Goel received the IGS-HEICO Biennial Prize 2017 for the Best Paper conferred from the Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) for the best paper on "Rock Mechanics" published in the Indian Geotechnical Journal (IGJ), "Response of Semi-Buried Structures Subjected to Multiple Blast Loading Considering Soil-Structures Interaction" for the year 2015-2016.
  13. Scholarship to Sunita Mishra for impressive and innovative paper "High Strain Rate Characterization of Himalayan Limestone" from the Indonesia Rock Mechanics Society (IRMS).
  14. Scholarship Award to Hemant Meena for valuable contribution "Dynamic Characterization of Rocks Subjected to Intermediate and High Strain Rates" from the Indonesia Rock Mechanics Society (IRMS).
  15. Said Elias Rahimi received Young Author Best Paper Award in the Structural Engineering Convention 2014 (SEC14) awarded by Springer in December 2014.
  16. Kusum Saini received the Best Poster Award in the Global Indian (GI) Young Scientists Research and Innovation (YSRI) Conference in June 2023.
  17. Yash Chordiya received the Best Paper Award "Response of Aluminum abd CFRP Plates to Successive Blast Loads" in the theme of the "Blast and Impact" at 13th Structural Engineering Convocation (SEC-2023), held at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur in December 2023 .

    Research Awards and Best Projects
  18. ‘I2Tech Open House Award 2014’ on the project titled "Using Bamboo and Bricks in Reinforced Concrete Beams for Sustainability and Economy".
  19. ‘I2Tech Open House Award 2014 - Special Jury Award’ on the project titled "Seismic Protection of Structures using Passive Tendon System".
  20. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2015’ on the project titled "Behaviour of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams".
  21. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2014’ on the project titled "Basalt Fiber Reinforced Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams".
  22. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2013’ on the project titled "Using Bamboo and Bricks in Reinforced Concrete Beams for Sustainability and Economy" i.e. "Introduction of New Materials (Bamboo and Bricks) in Reinforced Concrete Beams to Make Them More Economical and Sustainable".
  23. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2012’ on the project titled "Rubber Pad and Sliding Surface in Tanks for Failure Prevention - An Experimental Study".
  24. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2010’ on the project titled "Investigating Seismic Performance of Ellipsoidal Balls for Base Isolation".
  25. ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - 2009’ on the project titled "Feasibility Study of Offshore Wind Farms along the Indian Coastline for Renewable Source of Alternate Energy".

    Academic Exchange Awards
  26. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) - Purdue University Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship award to Sarranya Banerjee with Professor Dr-Ing Akanshu Sharma, (2023).
  27. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Manmohan Dass Goel for Ph.D. sandwich program in the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBW) with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2010).
  28. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)-STIBET III award to Sandip Saha for Ph.D. sandwich program in the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBW) with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2013).
  29. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Kusum Saini for Ph.D. sandwich program in the Universität Stuttgart with Professor Dr-Ing Akanshu Sharma, (2020).
  30. Suzuki Foundation Fellowship to Tathagata Roy for one-year research stay at the Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) in Japan with Professor Dr Taiki Saito, (2019).
  31. Suzuki Foundation Fellowship to Sharang Totekar for one-year research stay at the Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) in Japan with Professor Dr Taiki Saito, (2020).
  32. Suzuki Foundation Fellowship to Sarranya Banerjee for one-year research stay at the Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) in Japan with Professor Dr Taiki Saito, (2023).
  33. DUO-India Student Fellowship to Kusum Saini to University of Dundee, UK with Dr Saverio Spadea, 2020.
  34. Erasmus+ scholarship to Rajnish Kumar Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Dr-Ing Roland Wüchner, (2019).
  35. Tedesko Scholarship to Supriya Banerjee in the Technische Universität Berlin with Professor Dr Mike Schlaich, (2022)
  36. KOSPIE-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Avinash Dubey for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Braunschweig with Professor Dr-Ing Roland Wüchner, (2023).
  37. KOSPIE-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Kaustav Misra for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2023).
  38. KOSPIE-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Manish Kumar Sah for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2022).
  39. KOSPIE-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Vidushi Toshniwal for Masters Sandwich program in the Leibniz Universität Hannover with Professor Dr-Ing Martin Achmus, (2021).
  40. KOSPIE-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Ashutosh Maurya for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Dr-Ing Roland Wüchner, (2020).
  41. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Rohen Singh for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2019).
  42. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Gaurav Swami for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Braunschweig with Professor Dr-Ing Bohumil Kasal, (2019).
  43. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Juturu Ajay Reddy for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2018).
  44. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Ranjit Chaudhary for Masters Sandwich program in the Leibniz Universität Hannover with Professor Dr-Ing Peter Schaumann, (2017).
  45. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Shubham Soni for Masters Sandwich program in the Universität Stuttgart with Professor Dr-Ing Jan Knippers, (2016).
  46. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Shubham Garg for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2016).
  47. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Prathamesh Khorgade for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Darmstadt with Professor Dr-Ing Peter Hagedorn, (2016).
  48. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Syed Ahmed Usama for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Berlin with Professor Dr Mike Schlaich, (2015).
  49. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Shashwat Gaur for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Braunschweig with Professor Dr-Ing Kalus Thiele, (2015).
  50. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Anil Gautam for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Carlo Bottasso, (2015).
  51. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Nikhil Garg for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Berlin with Professor Dr Mike Schlaich, (2014).
  52. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Abhilash Achuthan for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Gerhard Mueller and Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2014).
  53. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Deepika Gill for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Berlin with Professor Dr-Ing Christian Schroeder, (2014).
  54. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Anoop K. for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität München with Professor Dr-Ing Fabian Duddeck and Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2013).
  55. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Sameer Khan for Masters Sandwich program in the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University) with Professor Dr-Ing Benno Hoffmeister, (2013).
  56. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Nadeem Mohammad for Masters Sandwich program in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with Lothar Stempniewski, (2012).
  57. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to S. D. Sukanya for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Braunschweig with Professor Dr-Ing Mathias Clobes, (2011).
  58. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Major Alok Dua for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität Braunschweig with Professor Dr-Ing Mathias Clobes, (2011).
  59. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Rajkumar K. for Masters Sandwich program in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with Lothar Stempniewski, (2010).
  60. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) award to Cibi Jacob for Masters Sandwich program in the Technische Universität in Dresden (TUD) with Professor Dr-Ing Steffen Marburg, (2009).